The Journey Towards Having More FUN Surfing

Surfing means different things to different people, but should always remain at its core


Lack of progression and fatigue leads to frustration which then leads to an unpleasant lineup.  Nobody wants that.  The first step in thwarting this downward spiral is to improve your entire surfing experience, from the pre-surf ritual, paddling out, deciding on a spot to surf, making adjustments, choosing the wave for you, riding with flow, kicking out, sharing with others, and finally exiting the water to talk story with others afterwards.  At its root, to have more fun means to improve.  It doesn't matter where you start in this journey of progression, from novice to pro, you can always improve and enjoy the experience of surfing just a little ... bit ... more.  


Guest Speaking on a Surf Body Connection Webinar - Part 2

Guest Speaking on a Surf Body Connection Webinar - Part 2

Here is Part 2 where I share a shortboarder example and a longboarder example.

00:08 Shortboarder Video Example – Before and After 23% improvement - Drag’s Impact on Horizontal Balance, Creating a Drafting Cavity, and Tempo

01:20 More Progressive Force = More Effective Propulsion

03:22 Good Setup to Front Propulsive Phase

04:44 Longboarder Video Example – Before and After - A Key Difference in Technique between Shortboarder and Longboarder - Entry Point Same, Entry Angle is Different

06:11 Comparison of Entry Point and Entry Angle Between the Shortboarder Example and Longboarder Example

09:43 The Problem(s) with Over-Reaching

11:07 Me on a Prone Board Video Example - Lack of Effort Used, Entry Point, Hover Technique, Entry Angle, Top Speed Acceleration vs Steady Velocity

12:14 Is it Better to Stick with One Board to Learn Technique?  Our Brain’s Ability to Change Motor...


Guest Speaking on a Surf Body Connection Webinar - Part 1

Guest Speaking on a Surf Body Connection Webinar - Part 1

In July I had the pleasure of joining Shane Carpenter, DPT to conduct a Webinar for her clients.

She has a great philosophy on healing the mind and body and in this webinar I shared some of my Level 1 Surfing Paddling Techniques.

Here is Part 1


00:16 Who am I (Rob)?

00:57 How did I get into working with surfers on paddling techniques?

02:46 What kind of injuries were I seeing and how does my program solve them? 

04:18 Some common mistakes?

04:47 Shane’s most powerful takeaway for her from my Workshop

05:34 A common physical limitation for paddling she sees

07:50 Paddling Technique Overview – Introduction to Level 1

08:06 What’s the Big Deal?

11:07 Three Key Goals

12:44 Simple Solution to Achieve the Three Key Goals and How to Self Diagnose Yourself

13:04 Surfers' Common Fallacy on Paddling

14:08 How to Self Diagnose Yourself

14:55 Basis of Moving Through Water –...


Birdwell Beach Britches Interview by Jamie Brisick

Surf culture is difficult to get your head around sometimes.  The term "Hardcore" specifically.  This term is very common where I grew up and within the general surf population.  What does it really mean?  It truly depends on how is saying it.  

When I was young, "hardcore" meant a surfer who shunned any assistance, charged waves without fear, and surfed all the time.  And for many surfers, this is still a base definition.  But that is slowly changing and I'm once again honored to be featured in an article by a "hardcore" surfer representing a "hardcore" brand.  Well, maybe Birdwell wouldn't be considered hardcore by the above definition, but certainly has a deep connection to surf history and I'm honored nonetheless.  

Jamie Brisick, whose bio you can read below, did a great job at consolidating all of the many thoughts in my head into a clear and concise article.  And trust me, my words did not come out that clear when we...


Sprint Paddling - as featured on Surfline

I have been honored to be featured on Surfline a few times.   

In this article, I shared some knowledge on Sprint Paddling (or Paddling to Catch a Wave).

Here is the article in case you missed it. It has several videos that go along with it:

Stroke For Your Stoke

Let me know if you have any questions!


Surfer's Journal article on paddling

If you don't subscribe to Surfer's Journal, you're missing out on loads of knowledge and information to help your surfing.

I was incredibly grateful to be interviewed for a paddling article Dean LaTourrette wrote. Volume 24 Number 6, pages 15-16. Jaime Mitchell bestows some simple tips for you that are spot on. 

No URL link this time - hard copy only!! Get out there and grab a few Journals and enjoy!




Featured The Inertia Article

I had such a blast being interviewed for this one. There was something about it that made it extra special.  Maybe because it featured one of my earliest videos on paddling technique.  

Did you know that thanks to the comments I received on this video, I decided to leave my full time consulting job to pursue a job that was not even created yet (as a paddling coach)?  I know, crazy.  But I'm so glad that I did because I get to work with some of the best people in the world.  

Shortly after a webinar I conducted, I was contacted by the author of this article.  She gained so much helpful information from the webinar that she wanted to feature me in her next article.  I was very honored and grateful. 

Here it is, in all it's glory. 

Top 3 Ways to Paddle Like Kelly Slater article



Surfing Paddling Academy Surf Trip Indonesia 2019

surf trip Apr 22, 2019
“I caught the best wave of my life and I have no doubt it was because of your paddling coaching.” – Garry H
The crystal blue water rose closer and closer to the sky in front of me.  The sun’s light seemed to get darker with each moment.  “In 2, hold 2, out 2, 3, 4, 5…” I focused on my breathe and making sure to conserve energy.  This was going to be a romping.  Stay calm.  Don’t fight it.  The wave detonated in front of me, sending whitewater twice the height of the wave I saw moments before.  After traveling thousands of miles along the roaring forties and raging fifties, then up into the Indian Ocean, the wave unleashed all of its energy at me and boy, did I feel it.  We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. 
Garry, setting up (photo by Earl)
And Thomas setting up (among the coconut trees)

Every time I run a Surf Trip I get nervous.  I get nervous not because...


Surf Simply Podcast

Surf Simply Podcast Surfing Paddling Technique

One of the most fun things I get to do is work with surfers on improving their surfing paddling technique, which in turn helps with their energy efficiency, power, and overall surfing experience.  

In this surf simply podcast, I had the opportunity to share a few nuggets of information on paddling technique as well as nerd out on the technical side of paddling a surfboard.  

Listen in by clicking here

Hope you enjoy and learn something new...




Learn to Paddle Like World Champion John John Florence

John john Florence Sprint Paddling Technique

John John Florence is a great example of a strong paddler.  In this video, John John Florence Sprint Paddling Technique, we investigate some key elements of a sprint paddling technique, which is slightly different than a regular paddling stroke.  When do we sprint?  Catching a wave, avoiding getting caught inside, or battling for priority in a competition.  

Even though we spend less than 5% of our paddling time sprinting, it's a pretty important aspect to our arsenal!  

The video goes more into detail of the following John John Florence Sprint Paddling Technique.  Here is a summary:

  • Entry angle is steeper. When sprinting as opposed to regular paddling, the Lift phase (or the first phase) of the underwater armstroke is shortened because in this scenario, we’re really focused on getting our hand and forearm to the front propulsive phase of the stroke which is the second phase of the underwater...

Why is Surfing Addictive?

surfing Mar 23, 2017

Do I have A Surfing Addiction?  

@surf_coach posed the question "why is surfing addictive" on Instagram and it got me thinking.  Why IS surfing so addictive?  So I did what I always do when I get curious – I did some research. 

I had to start with “what is addiction?” before I tried to reason what makes something addictive.  Addiction is a heavy topic and has endless resources that send you to drug, alcohol, sex, and even shopping addiction.  I didn’t think my surfing addiction was that bad…but drug and alcohol addicts don’t think they have it bad either.

There were numerous sources discussing the science behind addiction, such as what happens in the brain when the addiction makes a shortcut to the brain’s reward system.  Then the brain makes sure it happens again and again, laying down memories of the quick sense of satisfaction, and then creating a conditioned response to certain stimuli....

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